MUSIC FOR THE SOUL (under construction while Charles learns more about HTML)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bludgeoning #2


Don't ask me what happened to this team. They didn't show up either. It makes me wonder if BYU is pumping some sort of funky mist into the opponent's locker room before each game so they can't even put one lowsy point on the board. Wyoming isn't traditionally terrible, but wow. They didn't show. They did end up with the closest person this year to rush over 100 yards on our defense. I think he got something like 97. This game wasn't as fun as the last game. 44-0 is great, but it got a little boring because Wyoming just isn't a team I have much of a grudge against right now. Honestly, as I was trying to remember to blog about each game, I almost forgot this one altogether. It could have also been because I didn't sit next to a cute girl, but rather with my dad. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE to do anything with my dad, but I think he'd be OK with taking a back seat to a cute girl. He's understanding like that.

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