MUSIC FOR THE SOUL (under construction while Charles learns more about HTML)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Search for Car/Wife/Job

As many of you know, I got a Bimmer. It's fun BUT it's already broken!! I'm finding out what the damage is today. So, the car issue is still an issue.

On the girl issue, I gave a talk in church and managed not to mention dating EVEN ONCE, which no doubt shocked most of my ward. I decided that I haven't been twitterpated in a long long time and it's not because there aren't girls worthy of being twitterpated's probably got more to do with me being overly analytical. And in my effort to be a more frequent covenant-making person (which is something that Brigham Young and others were adamant about), I think I've found a way to overcome this conundrum. I guess we'll see relatively soon!

And now I have a job issue. I'm glad that I'm finally getting calls and interviews. That's reassuring. Now I need to make it a matter of prayer as my patriarchal blessing encourages. Wish me luck. I need to pay for that BMW!


Unknown said...

Charles! You still haven't told us what went wrong. We would like to read the details.

Anonymous said...

I second Arlie's motion...